Boscart, V., Spence, M., Campigotto, R., Sellen, K., Baecker, R., (submitted January 2016) Social Isolation, Loneliness and Communication Needs of Older Patients in Complex Care Settings. Research in Ageing.
Baecker, R., Sellen, K., Crosskey, S., Boscart, V., & Barbosa Neves, B., (October, 2014) Technology to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (full paper).
Baecker, R., & Sellen, K. (2013). Design for a diversity of Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, and Spatial Family Challenges. Workshop on Exploring the Diversity of Families: Designing Technologies for the Contemporary Family Life. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Paris, France, April 27 – May 2, 2013). CHI '13. ACM, New York, NY.
Safety Critical Health Design
Sellen, K., (2016) Including the Dynamics and Temporal Aspects of Work for Human Centered Design. In System/software development and Quality (pages 1-10). HCI International 2016, Springer International Publishing.
Sellen K, (2015) Errors and Behaviour with the Introduction of Electronic Remote Blood Issue. PhD Dissertation in Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto.
Sellen, K., Jovanovic, A., Chignell, M., Perrier, L. (2015) Systematic Review of Electronic Remote Blood Issue. Vox Sanguinus, 109(1):35-43.
Sellen, K. & Chignel, M. (April, 2014). Pace and Temporality in Safety Critical Medical Work: Concepts for Understanding Adaptation Behaviors. In workshop proceedings, HCI Research in Healthcare: Using Theory from Evidence to Practice. Workshop. International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Toronto, Canada, April 26 – May 1, 2014). CHI '14. ACM, New York, NY.
Sellen K., Hunt, R. & Van Alstyne, G. (February, 2014). From Legibility to Disambiguation: Typographic Design Strategies to Prevent Misreading. Poster at HFES 2014 Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Leading the Way, March 16-19, Chicago, USA. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA, USA.
Sellen, K., Chignell M., Kealey, R. & Canella, D. (2013). Exploring a Distributed Cognition Approach to Supporting Medical Calculations: A Design Strategy. Workshop on MediCHI: Safer Interaction in Medical Devices. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Paris, France, April 27 – May 2, 2013). CHI '13. ACM, New York, NY.
Sellen K, Callum, J., Chignell M, Pendergrast, J. & Halliday, A. (2013). Negotiating Capture, Resistance, Errors, and Identity: Confessions from the operating suite. Workshop on HCI Fieldwork in Healthcare – Creating a Guidebook. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (Paris, France, April 27 – May 2, 2013). CHI '13. ACM, New York, NY.
Sellen, K., Jovanovic, A., & Chignell, M. (2012). Exploring Qualitative Analysis Techniques To Identify Opportunities For Error: The Case Of Electronic Remote Blood Delivery. In Proceedings 2012 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, November 3-7, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA.
Sellen, K., Callum, J., Chignell, M., Straus, S., Pendergrast, J. & Halliday, A. (2011). Does Technology Acceptance Determine Attitude Towards Health Information Technology? The case of Electronic Remote Blood Delivery. In Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare, October, 2011, Washington DC, USA, ACM, New York, NY.
Sellen, K., Chignell , M., Straus, S., Callum, J., Pendergrast, J. & Halliday, A. (2010). The Emergence of Errors with the Implementation of Electronic Blood Delivery to Operating Rooms. In Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, November 13-17, 2010, Washington DC, USA.
Sellen, K., Chignell, M., Straus, S., Callum, J., Pendergrast, J. & Halliday, A. (2010). Using Motion Sensing to Study Human Computer Interaction in Hospital Settings. In Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 24-27, 2010. Eds. A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J. Noldus, and P.H. Zimmerman. (pp. 297- 230).
Kennedy, A. G., Senders, J. W., Sellen, K., Littenberg, B., Callas, P. W., & Carney, J. K. (2009). Perception of drug-name legibility by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 66(9), 794-795.
Callum, J.L., Halliday, A., Merkley, L., Colavecchia, C., Leeksma, A., Sellen, K., Pendergrast, J., Karkouti, K., Cserti, C. & LaFlamme, C. (2008). Remote release of red blood cells by electronic crossmatch in the operating room at a large, academic trauma center: improving the speed of blood delivery while decreasing workload. AABB 2008 Annual Meeting, October 4 - 7, 2008, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Additional Student Work
Litwin, S., & Sellen, K. (2022). Designing a sensory kit to improve the environment for children with autism spectrum disorder in the pediatric emergency department. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-11.
Charbonneau, R., Sees-chaaf-Veres, A., Sellen, K., (2016) Exploring Downloadable Assistive Technologies through the Co-Fabrication of a 3D Printed Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Dog Wheelchair. In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pages 1-10).. HCI International 2016, Springer International Publishing